Patrim One
33, Rue de Naples
75008 Paris
Tél : + 33 1 42 99 60 11
Immeubles et bureaux
Patrim One offers residential building, hotel and office building owners support in implementing and managing a pragmatic and efficient insurance program.
We systematically conduct an in-depth technical analysis of every building we insure regardless of whether it houses offices, shops, apartments or any combination thereof, is of historic or recent construction, in full- or co-ownership.
We also analyze owner or co-owner strategy to ensure we address all issues accordingly.
Patrim One Immo is dedicated to serving property management professionals (management offices, administrators, etc.) and meets the needs and growing constraints of the residential and commercial building sector by providing coverage solutions for:
Unpaid rent
Legal protection
Construction projects (Structural damage, Contractor’s all risk, etc.)
Non-occupant owners for isolated lots (required by the French ALUR law)